Merging Git Branches

In Git, merging is the process of combining the work from different branches into one branch. It is one of the core features that makes Git so powerful in collaborative environments, allowing multiple developers to work on different features or bug fixes in parallel. Once their work is complete, the changes are merged back into the main branch or another branch, integrating the work done.

In this chapter, we will dive deep into merging Git branches, starting from the basics and gradually moving into advanced topics, ensuring you fully understand the concept and its nuances.

What is Git Merge?

Git merge is a command that integrates changes from one branch into another. It is typically used to combine the work done on a feature branch back into the main or develop branch. Merging brings together two different lines of development, often done after a feature is completed or a bug is fixed.

Visualizing a Merge

Imagine two branches: main and feature. Over time, they diverge as different commits are added to each branch.

					main:    A---B---C
feature:         D---E


When you merge feature into main, Git integrates the commits from feature (D and E) into the main branch.

Types of Git Merges

There are two primary types of merge operations in Git:

Fast-Forward Merge

This occurs when there are no new commits on the target branch (e.g., main) since the branch you’re merging from (e.g., feature) was created. Git simply moves the pointer forward to the latest commit on the feature branch.


					$ git checkout main
$ git merge feature


In this scenario, since there were no new commits on main after feature branched off, Git can perform a fast-forward merge:

main:    A---B---C
feature:         D---E

After Fast-Forward:
main:    A---B---C---D---E


The main branch simply points to the latest commit on the feature branch, and no merge commit is necessary.

Three-Way Merge

A three-way merge happens when both branches have made new commits since they diverged. Git will create a special “merge commit” that has two parent commits: one from each branch.


					$ git checkout main
$ git merge feature


If both main and feature have diverged:

main:    A---B---C
feature:         D---E


After the merge, Git will create a new merge commit, F, that combines the changes from both branches:

					After Three-Way Merge:
main:    A---B---C---F
               \   /
feature:         D---E


The merge commit F is created by Git to indicate that both main and feature have been combined.

Basic Git Merge Commands

Let’s go through the basic steps of performing a merge.

Preparing for a Merge

1.Start by making sure you’re on the branch you want to merge into (often main):

					$ git checkout main


2.Pull the latest changes (if collaborating with others):

					$ git pull origin main


Merging a Branch

Now, to merge a feature branch into main:

					$ git merge feature


If a fast-forward merge is possible, Git will automatically move the main branch pointer forward. Otherwise, a three-way merge will occur, and a merge commit will be created.

Viewing the Merge Commit History

After merging, you can view the commit history to see how the merge was incorporated:

					$ git log --oneline --graph


This command gives you a visual representation of how the branches were merged.

Merging Conflicts: Understanding and Resolving Them

Merging branches doesn’t always go smoothly. If both branches modify the same part of a file, Git will be unable to automatically merge them and will mark a conflict.

Example of a Merge Conflict

Let’s assume we have a file called greetings.txt in both main and feature branches:

On main:

					Hello, World!


On feature:

					Hello, Git!


If you try to merge feature into main:

					$ git merge feature
Auto-merging greetings.txt
CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in greetings.txt


Git will mark the file with conflict markers:

					<<<<<<< HEAD
Hello, World!
Hello, Git!
>>>>>>> feature


Resolving Conflicts

To resolve the conflict, you need to manually edit the file to remove the conflict markers (<<<<<<, =======, >>>>>>). Decide which version (or combination of both) you want to keep.

					Hello, Git and World!


Once the conflict is resolved, stage the file and complete the merge:

					$ git add greetings.txt
$ git commit


Git will automatically create a merge commit to finalize the process.

Advanced Merging Techniques

Squash Merging

Squash merging is a way to combine all the commits from a feature branch into a single commit before merging into the target branch. This helps keep the commit history clean.

					$ git checkout main
$ git merge --squash feature
$ git commit -m "Merged feature with squashed commits"


Squash merge compresses the entire branch’s history into one commit:

					main:    A---B---C---S


Merge Strategies

Git has several merge strategies. The default one is recursive, which handles most cases. However, you can specify a different strategy when necessary:

  • ours: Favor the current branch’s changes in case of conflicts.
  • theirs: Favor the incoming branch’s changes in case of conflicts.


					$ git merge -s ours feature


Avoiding Merge Conflicts: Best Practices

While merge conflicts are a normal part of collaboration, they can be minimized with some best practices:

Regularly Pull Changes from the Main Branch

Always pull changes from the main branch into your feature branch before merging:

					$ git checkout feature
$ git pull origin main


This ensures your branch is up to date with the latest changes, reducing the chance of conflicts.

Communicate with Your Team

Make sure team members are aware of who is working on which parts of the project. Overlapping work increases the chances of conflicts.

Break Large Changes into Smaller Commits

Breaking down large changes into smaller, manageable commits helps make merging easier and more transparent.

Branch Management After Merging

After successfully merging, it’s a good practice to clean up unused branches. Deleting a branch does not remove the commits; they remain part of the history.

					$ git branch -d feature


This deletes the feature branch from your local repository. To delete a branch from the remote repository, use:

					$ git push origin --delete feature


Merging branches is a crucial part of working with Git, especially when collaborating in teams. From simple fast-forward merges to more complex three-way merges with conflict resolution, mastering these techniques ensures smooth integration of code changes.Git provides powerful tools for resolving conflicts and keeping your project history clean and understandable. By following best practices and understanding different merge strategies, you can avoid common pitfalls and become more effective in managing your codebase. Happy coding !❤️

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