Common Git Aliases

In Git, commands can become repetitive and time-consuming, especially when dealing with complex operations. Git aliases allow you to create shortcuts for commonly used commands, making your workflow faster and more efficient. This chapter will guide you through setting up useful Git aliases, from basic to advanced, with examples and explanations.

Basics of Git Aliases

What Are Git Aliases?

Explanation: A Git alias is a shorthand for a Git command or a sequence of commands, allowing users to execute commands with customized shortcuts.


Saves time by reducing typing.

Increases productivity by creating personalized command sets.

How to Set Up Git Aliases

Command Syntax: Git aliases are added using git config.


					git config --global alias.<alias_name> "<command>"


Explanation: The --global flag makes the alias available for all repositories; omit it to set the alias only for the current repository.

Essential Git Aliases for Everyday Commands

Creating Aliases for Common Commands

Alias for git status:


					git config --global "status"


Explanation: Now you can use git st instead of git status.

Alias for git log:


					git config --global alias.lg "log --oneline --graph --decorate"


Explanation: git lg shows a visual representation of the commit history, simplifying complex logs.

Aliases for Adding and Committing

Alias for git add:


					git config --global "add ."


Explanation: git ad will stage all changes in the current directory.

Alias for git commit:


					git config --global "commit -m"


Explanation: git cm "message" allows committing with a message in fewer keystrokes.

Intermediate Aliases for Improved Workflow

Aliasing git checkout for Branch Switching


					git config --global "checkout"


Explanation: git co branch_name now switches to the specified branch more quickly.

Shortcut for Creating and Switching to a New Branch


					git config --global alias.cb "checkout -b"


Explanation: git cb new_branch creates and switches to a new branch in one command.

Adding Aliases for Merging and Rebasing


					git config --global "merge"


Alias for git rebase


					git config --global alias.rb "rebase"


Advanced Aliases for Streamlined Operations

Using Aliases for Git Log Visualizations

Alias for a Detailed Log Graph:


					git config --global alias.hist "log --pretty=format:'%h %ad | %s%d [%an]' --graph --date=short"


Explanation: git hist provides a compact, graphical view of commit history.

Multi-Command Aliases

Alias for Showing and Pulling Changes:


					git config --global alias.sp "!git stash && git pull --rebase && git stash pop"


Explanation: git sp stashes current changes, pulls updates, and re-applies changes in one command.

Alias for Quickly Viewing Unpushed Commits

Alias for Checking Commits That Haven’t Been Pushed:


					git config --global alias.unpushed "log --branches --not --remotes"



git unpushed lists all local commits not yet pushed to any remote branch.

Organizing Git Aliases for Team Use

Saving Aliases in Configuration Files

Explanation: Git aliases can be saved in .gitconfig files, allowing team members to share standard alias configurations.

Example of .gitconfig snippet

  st = status
  lg = log --oneline --graph --decorate
  ad = add .
  cm = commit -m



  • Add aliases directly in .gitconfig files.
  • Share the file with team members for consistent configurations.

Advanced Multi-Command Aliases for Teams

Alias for Auto-Detecting and Switching Branches:


					git config --global alias.sync "!git fetch origin -p && git pull --rebase && git push"


Explanation: git sync keeps branches up-to-date by fetching, rebasing, and pushing in one line.

Git aliases are powerful tools for simplifying repetitive commands and streamlining complex operations. From basic to advanced, these aliases help developers work faster, enhancing productivity in both solo and team workflows. This chapter has shown you how to create, use, and share aliases, ensuring you can customize Git commands to suit your needs effortlessly. Happy coding !❤️

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